Song of a maple
This is a project created by Lorella Abenavoli, a psycho-acoustic sculptor. She dedicates her work to making audio pieces off natural phenomena. This one is about recording the rise of sap in a maple and transforming the recording into an audible artwork. Rise of sap is a complex process. First issue is related to frequency: we're dealing with ultrasounds in the 500KHz-1MHz range, which requires very specific devices such as hydrophonic microphone and ultrafast acquisition card. Second issue is storage: to have a good quality of signal and make sure there's no loss while recording, we have to sample at 2MHz * 16 bits = 32 Megabytes/second (1 minute=1,8 Gigabytes). Next issue is transfer of data. And last issue (but not least), processing. This one is for Lorella! Here's a screenshot of what it is that our application does.
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